What is NEW RTPO?

A good transportation system is essential to Northeast Washington’s quality of life and economic vitality. By analyzing past trends, current conditions and future needs, the Northeast Washington Regional Transportation Planning Organization (NEW RTPO) works with member jurisdictions and Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) to develop regional plans and programs that outline transportation system improvements in accordance with WSDOT priorities. The organization continually works to make more efficient use of resources available to meet the area’s growing transportation needs.

TEDD acts as the lead agency for the NEW RTPO, which was created in 1990. The TEDD Board of Directors governs the NEW RTPO. There is also a NEW RTPO Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) and a Transit Committee that report to the Board on all transportation and transit-related issues.

What does NEW RTPO do?

The NEW RTPO plans involve cities, counties, WSDOT, transit agencies, ports, and private employers.

The NEW RTPO performs the following essential tasks for the region:

  • Prepare a long-range Regional Transportation Plan
  • Certify that countywide planning policies and the transportation element of local comprehensive plans are consistent with the Regional Transportation Plan
  • Develop and maintain a six-year Regional Transportation Improvement Program
  • Prepare a Regionally Coordinated Public Transit- Human Services Plan (CPT-HSTP) every four years, with two-year interim updates to help fund public transportation services.
  • Award and fund Transportation Alternative (TA funds) projects and programs throughout the region.
  • Assist local government in transportation planning projects, grants, funding resources, and provide various technical assistance to support and assist on local and regional levels.
  • Provide a regionawide coordination channel on local and regional projects.
  • Provide statewide coordination on state and federal transportation projects and policies.
  • Provide a communication channel for the public, legislatures, local, state and federal agencies for the four counties.

The Northeast Washington Regional Transportation Planning Organization (NEW RTPO) is committed to providing equal access in its programs, services, and activities for persons with disabilities. Civil rights legislation requires that no qualified individuals with disabilities shall, solely on the basis of their disability, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any of NEW RTPO’s programs, services, or activities, in accordance with:

     •  Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), as amended
     •  Section 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended

It is the policy of NEW RTPO that, when viewed in their entirety, services, programs, facilities, and communications provided directly by the agency, or by a contracted service provider, are readily accessible to and usable by individuals with disabilities. This is achieved through maintaining an ADA-compliant Website; holding events in accessible spaces; and providing program materials in alternative formats on request.

Reasonable Modifications - NEW RTPO will make reasonable modifications/accommodations to their policies, practices, and procedures to ensure program accessibility, except in cases where such modifications would cause a direct threat to the health or safety of others, would result in a fundamental alteration of the service, would not actually be necessary in order for the individual with a disability to access the entity’s service, or would result in an undue financial and administrative burden.

Notification - NEW RTPO will notify the public of the ADA policy on its website and in certain publications.