What is Rural Opportunity Loan Fund?

The Rural Opportunities Loan Fund helps to finance business expansion, retention and start-up projects for borrowers who do not qualify for traditional loans. Funding comes from federal, state and local sources in the form of grants, contracts for service and local membership investments.

This program helps business owners in 13 Eastern Washington counties: Ferry, Pend Oreille and Stevens counties as well as in Adams, Asotin, Chelan, Douglas, Garfield, Grant, Lincoln, Okanogan, Whitman and Spokane counties (outside the city limits of Spokane and Spokane Valley).

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Will I Qualify?

Loans are determined based on your potential, not your past. Applicants must provide documentation showing that adequate financing is not available from conventional sources at reasonable rates and terms (often accomplished with a turn-down letter from a commercial bank).

Loans can be used for
  • New business start-up
  • Business expansion
  • Working capital

This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.  This is an Equal Opportunity Program. Discrimination is prohibited by Federal Law.  Complaints of discrimination may be filed with the USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Washington, DC 20250