Learn more about Economic Development
Municipal Research & Services Center
The Municipal Research and Services Center (MRSC) is a nonprofit organization that helps local governments across Washington State better serve their citizens by providing legal and policy guidance on any topic.
Washington Economic Development Association
The Washington Economic Development Association(WEDA) is Washington’s only trade association focused on economic development. They're committed to retaining, expanding and recruiting jobs and investment across Washington State.
PLAN Washington by the WA Business Alliance
The Washington Business Alliance is a statewide business organization that’s forward-leaning and issue-focused. PLAN Washington is their guiding playbook. Its goals challenge Washington to become a top 5 state by the year 2025.
Northwest Economic Development Course
Central Washington University in Ellensburg offers the Northwest Economic Development Course annually in the summer. This a course offers intensive training in the basic concepts, methods, and strategies of local economic development. Practitioners new to the field as well as those with experience seeking new ideas and tools are encouraged to attend.
Washington State Microenterprise Association