Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy
TEDD charts the course of our work from the current Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS), an in-depth document developed through extensive planning sessions, an online survey and communications with key public and private stakeholders in our area.
Demographic Data
The District serves as a repository for demographic and socio-economic data for the three-county area. The District staff is available to answer questions and to help you find the data you need.
In partnership with Eastern Washington University the District has a new data tool – the Northeast Washington Trends Website.
Presentations & Facilitation
The District staff is available to make presentations to community groups interested in economic development, learning more about the District activities, or other topics of special interest.
The District staff is also available to facilitate economic and community development efforts in the communities we serve.
Grant Proposal Review
The District staff is available to review grant funding applications for communities or organizations prior to submission. It's best to contact us as soon as you begin work on the grant proposal so we can ensure we will have adequate time to do our review before the proposal is due.