Coordinated Public Transit - Human Services Transportation Program
NEW RTPO’s Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan (CPTHSTP) for the tri-county region, including the three Native American Reservations – Colville, Spokane and Kalispel reservations, seeks to improve transportation coordination in the region, address the transportation needs of older adults, persons with disabilities, veterans, and low-income individuals, and establishes priorities to inform funding decisions for specialized transportation services.
The plan includes information on existing transportation resources serving transportation-disadvantaged populations in the region, as well as transportation gaps faced by these populations. The plan also contains demographic data from the Census Bureau, documents innovative strategies and best practices from state, regional, and other local coordination efforts, and introduces new research and regional strategies to improve transportation service delivery and coordination.
In 2011, the Transit Committee, was organized to address transit-specific concerns throughout the region; the Transit Committee reports to the NEW RTPO Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) and is made up of select TAC members as well as other regional transit providers and users. The Committee meets quarterly, unless otherwise warranted, at 10:00 a.m. on the 4th Wednesday of the month at the TEDD office in Colville, WA.
Contact Silas Rappe for the most up-to-date schedule or for more details.
Unified Planning Work Program
The NEW RTPO annual Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) is a required statement of how state funds will be used for transportation planning purposes. The UPWP lists all work to be addressed in a given state fiscal year (SFY) and identifies committed revenue sources from the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT).
The UPWP is developed and submitted for state review in the third quarter of each SFY for implementation at the beginning of the next SFY. (The state fiscal year runs from July 1st to June 30th.) The UPWP is based on the transportation planning priorities of the region. The intent of the UPWP is to provide a comprehensive, continuing and coordinated approach to regional transportation planning that supports local, state, and tribal planning activities and systems development. This planning addresses all modes of transportation.